Urge to lift legs to pee?

Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Max had been neutered when he was 5 months old.. It was difficult for me to decide when was the best time to do it. If it was done at too young an age, he might lose out on some of his physical developments; and also will not be able to grow intellectually into an adult dog. Hence, he is now at below-medium sized, and still behaves like a puppy. On the other hand, I don't want him to begin acquiring his leg-lifting instincts - especially when he sees Jon do it every day.

This morning while walking Max - only him - he was so indulged in sniffing a tree trunk. He later acted in a way what any other unneutered dog does before marking their territory. Max stood beside the tree (on his right) - almost touching it - and appeared to wanting to lift his right leg. He stood there for 3 seconds, and then left it and peed on the ground female-style.

Is it possible for neutered male dogs to still have the leg-lifting instinct in them?

Lavish of frogs during the raining season

Friday, 16 December 2011
For numerous mornings during this wet season, while searching for dog poo with a torch light in a vast garden at a client's place, I notice many frogs. Managed to put the them in a spotlight.