Baby Bird Trapped in House

Thursday 7 September 2017

Heard a noise coming from my bedroom and behind the curtain window was a baby bird in panic mode trying to get out. This must be a lesson it will never forget.

How Can I Sleep if You Keep Looking At Me

Monday 17 October 2016
Just some photos of you from the top, then you can sleep.

Mouth to Mouth Feeding

I can only do this with Max because he is so gentle. If it's with the other three dogs, my mouth would surely hurt

Max messing with socks

Getting hold of a socks means a lot to Max. It's like a conquest. No need to bite and tear.

Watching Max doze off Part 2

Weekend Pictures of Max in The House

Sunday 16 October 2016

Weekend pictures of Max in the house

Sunday 18 September 2016
One of those hot afternoons when Max comes inside and shares the coolness of the air con with me